Monday, January 9, 2012

Aloha 2011

This fall was so busy! Dear husband was fortunate to travel to Sweden twice for work.  He brought back our little miss 2 Elsa Beskow books in Swedish - Sol-Aggett  and Tomtebobarnen. In November we took a vacay to visit relatives on Kauai and a little side trip to San Francisco.
For my food adventures, check out my food blog at:
Here's some happy photos from the trip.
Knitting at Poipu Beach
Ms. K catching a serious wave at Brennecke's Beach
Raft made of driftwood and coconut fiber found at Lydgate
Shaka while snorkeling
Rainbows of sunshine in Alakai Swamp

Window in the woods
My favorite part of the trip was the 7 hour roundtrip hike along the Alakai Swamp trail.  Even when I lived on Kauai in my early 20s I never did this hike.  I was so proud of my daughter and she never complained, especially with the promise of cone sushi when we were done.

Here's some projects I completed at the end of last year.

Yoga Bags
We had been doing more sweaty hot yoga this fall and I was tired of bringing a bag that could not be washed easily, ie. backpack.  So we had a bunch of yoga t-shirts that we never wear anymore and I made them in to washable yoga bags.  It takes less than 10 minutes to make one and only 1 line of sewing!
Take a T-shirt, cut off the sleeves, and cut off the neck band (cut more if you think you would a larger opening).  Turn it inside out and cut off the hemmed bottom.  Then uses a simple stitch and sew the bottom closed.  If you would like it sturdier you can zig zag or overlock the edges.  If you have a serger you could do this in one step.  I also like to reinforce the corners.  Instant yoga bag to carry towel, extra clothes, and all the sweaty stuff back and can be thrown right into the laundry.

Wool Felt Seasonal Tree
I have been wanting to make this for a while.  The goal is to have a wool tree picture that can be changed with the seasons.  Ours is still looking like fall as the trees here in Central Texas still have leaves.  Winter will be quite easy to make as I will remove the red and gold leaves and place a blanket of snow on the ground and purple mountains.

 See the next post about our winter break and holiday :)