Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Winter Time

I hope everyone is staying warm and relying on that inner sunshine!

We have had quite a few cold days and even a bit of snow!  Making snow angels, sliding down hills in a cardboard box, and eating Nature's shave ice by a frozen stream are rare in Central Texas. We've also enjoyed a couple slower days to recoup from night coughing and lots of warm soup.

With the coldest part of the year upon us, I have been quite inspired to knit.  I was able to send off some small gifts to a friend (Devadeva at Sabjimata) who had a baby with the most adorable name: Bindumati.  I am reminded of how fast babies grow and what a special time it is with a wee one.

I also made some super leg warmers for my little miss. They were finished just in time for her half birthday at school.  Since she is a summer baby, she celebrated with her class last week.  Her teacher gave her the sweetest peg doll with long dark hair and a cute acorn cap beret.  This will be her 3rd and last year in the kindergarten.  I'm feeling a bit wistful about the change but at the same time I feel lucky to witness all of the growth she's experiencing.

I am thankful for the cold and what it brings: a slower pace, a respect for Mother Nature and her power, and how good warmth feels from a cozy home and family.